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350W Portable Solar Generator

  • Date Listed:2015-03-18 13:10:19
    Room 1013,10F,Qizhengyuan Commercial Center,No.366 of Ainan Road,Longgang District,Shenzhen,P.R.China
    Company:Melin Sunergy Co.,Ltd

    *Integrated portable design, super function with AC /DC Input charging ,AC/DC output charging , SOS LED function *light weight, perfect for carrying *Lithium battery, with long lifespan, can be replaced easily after its service period. *IP65 Waterproof, no worry for being dampened by the rainy weather or water; *AC/DC power supply, so no problem for working/travelling during the power outage or off grid areas. *Can withstand high work temperature, temperature protection level: 70degree; *Input charging option : AC Input charging / Solar DC Input Charging / Car Plug Input charging

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