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food container testing

  • Date Listed:2015-07-02 15:53:16
    No.58 Tongyuan Rd.
    Company:United Testing Service Co.,Ltd.

    The safety of food containers and materials for food is very important, because containers used for containing, processing and storing food will directly connect with food. According to each country;s own customary, countries have their own laws about the specific requirement for materials that directly connect with food to ensure food safety and people’s health. UTS has the world-class testing experience and ability for the testing of food containers and materials for food, so we can providing services for materials which could connect with food according to the requirements of the following global laws and regulations. Nutrition Chemical and sensory test Heavy metals and trace elements Food additive Pesticide residues Residues of veterinary drug Microorganism EU:Regulation No. 1935/2004/EC Germany:LFGB 30 and 31 French:DGCCRF 2004/64 and French Decree No. 266/2007 USA: FDA 21 CFR part 177 to part 190 Japan: Japan Food Sanitation Law 370 China:GB/T 5009

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