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the charging pile granules

  • Date Listed:2015-06-23 16:47:40
    No.666 West Huaihai Road Jiangyan district
    Company:Jiangsu Sinarise New Material Technology Co., Ltd

    Characteristics: 1. Excellent oil resistant, complied with the oil testing of IRM902, diesel and petrol 2. Excellent wear resistance and high tear strength 3. High mechanical strength 4. No cracking under both high and low temperature 5. High effective flame retardant performance, passing UL1581VW-1 test 6. Water resistant, ozone resistant, anti-UV, no cracking under the testing of grinding 7. Excellent physical and chemical properties as well as favorable mechanical and electrical performance Application: Suitable for the charging pile equipment cable and portable charging cable (spring wire series) of the electrical vehicles as well as the internal cable (battery line) / electrical line

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