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corn gluten meal

  • Date Listed:2011-01-06 16:16:49
    dongguan street
    Company:zhucheng xingmao corn developing co.,ltd

    Corn gluten meal supplies vitamins,minerals and energy in poultry feeds;pet food processors value it for its high digestibility and low residue.Steepwater is a liquid protein supplement for cattle and is also used as a binder in feed pellets,and corn gluten feed provides protein and fiber for beef cattle. Any inquiry from you will get our quick response.Ms.lisa yangTel:0086-* Fax:0086-635 Corn Gluten Meal Protein :60% min(wet basis) Moisture:12% max Fibre:2.5%max Fat:2.5%max Aflatoxin:20PPB max Free from mould and foreign material

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