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Neodymium Iron Boron Magnet

  • Date Listed:2014-07-22 15:27:34
    No.57 South Hubin Road
    Company:Yuxiang Magnetic Materials Ind. Co., Ltd

    Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB) magnets, the most powerful permanent magnets available today, possess high energy up to 52MGOe and wonderful coercive force. As the third generation of Rare Earth magnet, NdFeB magnets are less brittle than SmCo, and the cost is much more resonable. Sintered NdFeB Magnets are prone to corrosion in humid environments. So they usually need surface treatment according to customer's requirements to protect magnet. We can offer the plating included: Ni, Zn, Ni-Cu-Ni, Silver, Gold, Passivation, Epoxy Resin, etc. Sintered NdFeB magnets are widely used in DC motors, linear motors, loud speakers, MRI, medical apparatus, transmission machine, lifting machine, and so on. For more detail info, please feel free to visit our website or inquire us at any of your convenience. Website:

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