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Arc Segment Magnet

  • Date Listed:2014-07-22 15:26:57
    No.57 South Hubin Road
    Company:Yuxiang Magnetic Materials Ind. Co., Ltd

    Arc segment Magnet is one special shape of Rare earth magnets and permanent magnets. It is always manufactured via Wire Cutting and grinding etc. Regular Arc magnets or Segment magnets have the following important factors such as , Outer Diameter Or Outer Radius, Inner Diameter or Inner Radius, Degree of Angle, Thickness, Length, Round Edge etc. Generally speaking, Arc Magnets are all made as Customer Design and as Special requirement. Our factory produce and manufacture magnets according to customer design on shape, dimension, grades, coatings etc.We could make different sizes for arc magnet.We have rich experience in supplying Europe motor users. For more detail info, please feel free to visit our website or inquire us at any of your convenience. Website:

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