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Biomass Briquette Machine

  • Date Listed:2015-09-12 09:39:17
    Country:China>Henan>Zhengzhou City
    High and New Industrial Zone, Kexue Revenue, High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone, Zhengzhou, China
    Company:Henan Fote Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd

    What is the biomass fuel? The biomass fuel is created by a special biomass briquetting machine which can press all kinds of wood wastes into new green fuel products without adding any additive or binding agent. The briquetting products are much smaller than being pressed before and these biomass fuel own a burn off rate as high as 96%, which effectively realizes the waste recycling. What is the biomass briquette machine? The biomass briquette machine, mainly referring to the charcoal briquette machine, can press all kinds of biomass wastes including straw, rice husk, saw dust, peanut shell, grass, bark and firewood into cylinder biomass fuel pellets with high density. Fote biomass briquette machine has been regarded as the most stable, reliable, efficient and secure machine based on our hundreds of times of trial and error through long time research from our experts. It can work with non-stop for as long as twenty four hours. Where can the biomass fuel be applied? The biomass briquette machine can provide enough biomass fuel products as the latest regenerated green energy to replace the traditional ones like firewood, coal, gas and liquefied gas etc applied by the life cooking range, heating furnace, hot water boiler, drying furnace and industrial boiler etc. Why should you choose Fote biomass briquette machine? 1. Fote biomass briquette machine is directly driven by the high precise gears with a driving efficiency as high as 98%. Both its gears and oil seal are made of imported wear and temperature resistance materials. Besides, the special lubricating system can realize circulating cooling and automatic oil feeding and lubricating. 2. The hard and wear resisting gear surface is processed by silent refining technology which makes the charcoal briquette machine run quietly and stably.

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