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embroidery water soluble film

  • Date Listed:2011-03-28 14:57:30
    baodi, Tianjin, China
    Company:Tianjin Richpeace Computer & Machinery Co., Ltd

    In order to meet the need of embroidery industry , our company has developed a new high-tech product , named water-soluble film,which is quickly dissolved in cold water . The film is dissoluble within 20 seconds at a normal temperature(15°C) , and will be completely dissolved over next 2 minutes. There would be no remnants of the film or any harmful substances left on the embroidered cloth afterwards . It is a great choice for embroidering(lace). A. Variety 1. According to the speed of dissolving, the films are divided into quick-soluble film, intermediate-soluble film and difficult-soluble film. Its dissolving speed is related to the thickness of the film and the temperature of the water. Generally speaking, the speed is slower when the film is thicker, furthermore, when the temperature's higher, the speed is quicker. The water-soluble film's dissolving speed (thickness:0.03, temperature: 25 °C) 2. There are the flat and the embossed sorted by of the external appearance. 3. There are colorless and colored (red, blue, yellow, green and so on) sorted by the color. B. Specifications 1. The Crispate Specification: In order to meet the need of embroidery industry , our company has developed a new high tech product , named water In order to meet the need of embroidery industry , our company has developed a new high tech product , named water 2. Shape The film can be cutted into squareness, roundness, eroseness and manufactured into bags of water-soluble films according to the requests. C. Instructions: 1. It is unsuitable to pack the liquid product which contain more than 5% water with the water-soluble film; 2. When not using , sealing up the remaining water-soluble film with PE enwinding film to keep it from being afflicted with damp and getting creased; 3. The suitable storage condition for the water-soluble packing film:15-35 °C of room temperature,40-60% of humidity . Once opened, use it up as soon as possible to avoid being affl....

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