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Glass beads

  • Date Listed:2022-12-06 15:01:28
    A-801 Kaixuanmen Tongbai South road
    Company:Zhengzhou Haixu Abrasives Co.,Ltd

    Glass Beads are made of hardened spherical soda lime glass and are a multi-faceted and commonly used media. Cost effective, ideal where metal contamination is not allowed, and often used to peen difficult to reach part areas. Chemical Compositions: SiO2≥65.0% Na2O≤14.0% CaO≤8.0% MgO≥2.5% AL2O3:0.5-2.0% Fe2O3≥0.15% Other:2.0% Physical Properties: Bulk Density:1.5g/cm3 Real Density:2.5g/cm3 Mohs Hardness:6-7 HRC hardness:46 Roundness≥92.5% Magnetic≤0.1% Bubble<0.1% 1,Sandblasting Available Size:10mesh 12mesh 14mesh 20mesh 30mesh 40mesh 50mesh 60mesh 70mesh 80mesh 100mesh 120mesh 140mesh 170msh 180mesh 200mesh 230mesh 325mesh 2. Grinding Available size: 0-0.5mm 0.5-1mm,1-1.5mm,1.5-2mm,2-2.5mm, 2.5-3mm,3-3.5mm.3.5-4mm… 3.Road Marking Available size: 1   Chinese Standard-   JT/T 446-2001 2   England Standard-   BS6008A/B 3   American Standard-    AASHO No1/2 4   Europe Standard-   EN1423, EN1424 5   Australia Standard-   AS2009B/C 6   Korea Standard-   KSL2521

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