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Black Corundum

  • Date Listed:2022-12-06 15:01:22
    A-801 Kaixuanmen Tongbai South road
    Company:Zhengzhou Haixu Abrasives Co.,Ltd

    Black Corundum Size: #8 #10 #12 #14 #16 #20 #24 #30 #36 #46 #54 #60 #70 #80 #90 #100 #120 #150 #180 #220 #240 #280 #320 #360 #400 #500 #600 #800 #1000 #1200 #1500 #2000 Chemical Composition(%) Al2O3: 81-85% Fe2O3: 9-11% SiO2: 8%max  Al2O3: 75-80% Fe2O3: 10-12% SiO2:10%max Physical Properties Bulk density: 1.75-1.95g/cm3 Specific Gravity:3.50g/cm3 min Mohs Hardness:7.0-9.0 Usage: 1. Add appropriate amount of Black Fused Alumina, with black fused alumina, this resin cutting disc can improve the work life, and make the incision have higher quality, lowest cost. 2. The black fused alumina sand can be used as blasting media to process the surface if workpiece, cleaning impurity, pipeline cleaning, the body of vessel cleaning, Jean cloth sandblasting etc. 3. Black fused alumina coated grits can be made into all kinds of abrasive belt, flap disc etc. Used in a variety of workpiece polishing. 4. Black fused alumina grits can be made into fiber wheels, used in polishing the workpiece. 5. Black fused alumina fine powder can produce a variety of brake pads, which has moderate hardness, and beat dissipation characteristics. 6. Used of black fused alumina powder can be made into a variety of polishing wax, used for careful polishing of a variety of workpiece. 7. Black fused alumina is very good in polishing stainless steel tableware, hardly to burn the surface when lapping.

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