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Lithium iron batteries 3.2V

  • Date Listed:2015-12-24 09:30:31
    3th Floor,Block B,Western Industrial Building,Park Road,22 District,Baoan

    Model EB-P-*-PX14 Rated voltage 3.2V Rated capacity 150Ah Standard charge Constant current at 0.3C with max. voltage of 3.6V and cutoff current at 0.01C Standard discharge Constant current at 0.5C to 2.0V Max. charge current 150A(1C) Max. discharge current 450A(3C less than 30sec) Operating temperature Charge:0~45 deg.C;discharge:-20~65 deg.C Storage temperature -10~45 deg.C less than 3 months;-0~25 deg.C less than 1 year Weight Approx. 4.3KG Dimension 65*280*180mm Cycle life More than 2000 times(0.5100%DOD,Maintain more than 80%) If you want to a specification of the product,pls contact me,I will send it to you. Why LiFe Battery? • High Performance —High theoretical capacity of 170mah/g and high practical capacity as high as 165mah/g • Long Cycle Life: up to 2000 cycle life (8x of Lead Acid and 3-4x of Li-ion) • Extremely Safe/Stable Chemistry: no explosion & will not catch fire under collision over charged or short circuit; hi thermal stability of phases up to 500C • Long Service Life: Around 5~6 years • Wide working temperature range: From -4 F to 150 F (-20 C–+70C) • Flexible & Small Form Factor: 1/3 weight of lead acid and 64% of NiMH • High Rate (Power) Capability • Environmentally Friendly Non-toxic, non-contaminating and No rare metal • Fast Charging: fully charged in a very short time ---2C fast charge within half hour

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