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white aluminium oxide grit

  • Date Listed:2014-04-05 21:40:24
    Anyang road of Shangjie district,Zhengzhou
    Company:zhongtian special alumina Co.,Ltd

    aluminium oxide Product Description white fused alumina-Taking the industrial Alumina powdery as the raw material, White Fused Alumina is formed through high temperature melting with the temperature more than 2000 °C in the arc kiln. After grinding, magnetic separating the iron, it was screened to different grits. With characteristic of dense texture, strong hardness and ball shape, it is applied to producing pottery and porcelain, resin grinding apparatus and grinding, polishing, Abrasive blast and precision casting, and it also can be used to manufacture the high level refractory materials. Mark “WA” means it following the international and national standard. Mostly it was used for export, but sometimes domestic clients. The grit size can be made according to different national or international standard, Also we can process the size depend on our clients’ requirements. Usually, the size is F4~F320. And the chemical composition is different with different sizes. The outstanding feature is that the small crystal size with strong impact resistance ability. As the application of Barmac Ball Crusher, mostly the grits are ball shape, clean surface

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