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white aluminium oxide

  • Date Listed:2014-04-05 21:40:14
    Anyang road of Shangjie district,Zhengzhou
    Company:zhongtian special alumina Co.,Ltd

    aluminium oxide Product Description White Fused Alumina is a kind of middle or high level refractory material. With the eye-catching white color and the advantage of high density and low micro porosity, it can effectively improve the volume stability and the thermal shock resistance of the material. It is the mainly raw material to produce middle or high level unshaped or shaped refractory material. It is applied to the unshaped refractory materials, such as refractory carstables for ladles, middle or high level iron runner casting material, ning refractory and fabricate parts ect. It also can be used to kinds of corundum products, such as corundum bricks, corundum, mullite corundum, refining corundum perforated bricks, overall blowtorch and combined nozzle, side ceiling of the high temperature kiln, ect. All in all, it is widely used in steel, cement, ceramics, grinding material and petrochemical industries.

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