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fused mullite

  • Date Listed:2014-04-05 21:40:16
    Anyang road of Shangjie district,Zhengzhou
    Company:zhongtian special alumina Co.,Ltd

    Fused Mullite Product Description: We adopt the mullite fused by high-purity raw material, which owns the characteristic of low micro porosity and low impurity level. And it can be processed to grains, fine grits and micro powder with different sizes. Taking the high level pure quartz sand and industrial Alumina as its raw materials, Fused mullite is melted through over size arc furnace, which appears white, low left carbon and well developed needle crystal. With its excellent performance of heat- resistance, shock- resistance and abrasion resistance, it is widely used in the industrial areas, such as lining bricks of the glass kiln, mullite bricks of the no alkali glass settling pond, bricks of the large blast furnace, silicate bricks of the blast furnace, ceramic kiln tools, saggar, slab and petrochemical industry, ect. It is the high level raw material of the refractory materials. We can produce according to our clients’ requirements. Main Physical and Chemical Index

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