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TD-NMR PQ001 NMR Analyzer NMR Relaxometry

  • Date Listed:2016-02-21 15:15:16
    Room D,6th Floor,No.1,1006,Jinshajiang Rd,Putuo District,Shanghai
    Company:niumag corporation

    TD-NMR PQ001 NMR Analyzer NMR Relaxometry PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The PQ001 NMR Analyzer was launched in 2008. After years of upgrading, PQ001 has many advantages such as small size, high precision, good repeatability, good stability and excellent cost/benefit performance. Based on these advantages, PQ001 has been widely used in the determination of oil & moisture content and Solid Fat Content, in food & agriculture areas. Basic parameters: 1. Magnet: permanent magnet; 2. Magnetic field intensity:0.5±0.08T 3. Probe: ?25mm 4. Size (LxWxH): 1685mm×520mm×386mm; 5. Weight: 134Kg; Functionss: 1. Determination of oil /moisture content; 2. Determination of solid fat content; 3. Quantitative analysis of water phase; 4. Relaxation analysis of T2*,T2 and T1; TD-NMR PQ001 NMR Analyzer NMR Relaxometry

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