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Portable ultrasonic flow meter

  • Date Listed:2016-03-22 15:35:40
    No75 HuiLi Street, Huanan Industrial district, Dalian, China
    Company:Teren instruments

    100H flow meter can be applied to a wide range of pipe flow measurements. The pipe size ranges 0.5”-240” (15mm-6000mm). A variety of liquid applications can be accommodated: ultra-pure liquids, potable water, oil, chemicals, raw sewage, reclaimed water, cooling water, river water, sea water, plant effluent, etc. Because the transducers are non-contacting and have no moving parts, the flow meter will not be affected by flow pressure or liquid properties. Standard transducers are rated to 100oC. Higher temperatures can be accommodated. For further information, please consult the manufacturer for assistance.

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