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SAE 100 R6 Hydraulic Hose

  • Date Listed:2016-04-12 08:36:42
    Jing County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China.
    Company:Hebei Huayu Special Rubber Cod

    SAE 100 R6 hydraulic hose is suitable for petroleum-based hydraulic oil and it is similar to SAE 100 R3 hydraulic hose in structure. It is also composed of three parts: tube, reinforcement and cover. It is composed of three parts: tube, reinforcement and cover. Tube is made from oil resistant synthetic rubber, making hose work well in delivering oils. Reinforcement is made from one layer of proper fiber braid, making hose lightweight and have solid structure. Cover is made from oil and weather resistant synthetic rubber, making hose have long service life. If you are interested contact us via *

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