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Tubular Gauge Glass

  • Date Listed:2016-04-16 15:52:57
    Industrial zone No 88, Hengshui City, Hebei province, China.
    Company:Dongyue Industry Co., Ltd.

    Tubular gauge glass, also called tubular glass, tubular sight glass and tubular boiler glass, can be divided into standard size and heavy wall size according to the wall thickness. The standard size tubular glass is commonly used in low pressure boiler, tanks and some other low pressure instruments. The heavy wall kind is suitable to high pressure environment, such as crude oil and water, gas flowmeter or acid and alkali containers. The material of tubular sight glass is soda-lime glass, borosilicate glass and quartz glass. Borosilicate glass and quartz glass can resist acid and alkali and work in high pressure and temperature environment. But for soft environment application, soda-lime glass is the most economic choice. Contact us immediately if you are interested in any of our gauge glass. And you can email us at * if you have any questions.

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