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Round Sight Glass

  • Date Listed:2016-04-16 15:53:48
    Industrial zone No 88, Hengshui City, Hebei province, China.
    Company:Dongyue Industry Co., Ltd.

    Round sight glass, also called round gauge glass and sight glass disc, commonly uses the material of soda-lime glass, borosilicate glass, aluminosilicate glass and quartz glass. We suggest different material according to environmental conditions, such as temperature, pressure, acid and alkali. Soda-lime glass working temperature is up to 230 °C, but it is the most inexpensive material. Borosilicate glass is particularly used in aggressive environment, such as acid and alkali. The working temperature is up to 400 °C. Aluminosilicate glass can resist acid and alkali better than borosilicate glass and the working temperature can reach 650 °C. Quartz glass is the best material, whose working temperature can reach 1100 °C. Round gauge glass is commonly used in industry, chemical, petrol and medicine pipes and flanges for observing the liquid flow and liquid level. Contact us immediately if you are interested in any of our gauge glass. And you can email us at * if you have any questions.

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