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Potato Chips Production Line

  • Date Listed:2011-08-16 10:49:18
    Yufeng Road

    Potato Chips Production Line: 1.GG-30 Potato Cleaning and Skinning Machine Size:700*680*880.Power:1.1KW/380V. Productivity:30Kg/3min. 2.GG-400 Potato Slice or Sheet Cutting Size:660*560*880. Power:0.75KW/220V. Productivity:150Kg/hour(sheet). 3.GGKT-50 Centrifuging Machine Size:1060*600*800. Size of the Rotary Barrel: (diameter)500* (height)360. Power:1.1KW/380V. Speed of Rotating:700rolls/min. Productivity:200-300kg/hour. 4.GG-60 Centrifuge ring Oil Machine Size:1160*700*8500. Size of Rotating Barrel:(diameter)600*(height)400。Power:1.5KW/380V. Speed of Rotating:700rolls/min .Productivity:100-150kg/hour. 6.GGBL-80 Blending Flavoring Machine: Size:1200*800*1450. Power:1.1KW/380V. Productivity:120-150kg/hour. 7.GGF-1000 Pneumatic Sealing Mahcine Size:900*450*1150 Power:500W/220V Weight:38kg

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