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VGA Extender 300m

  • Date Listed:2016-05-13 13:12:04
    Longhua Distrct, Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
    Company:Shenzhen Aikexin Electronics CO., Ltd.

    VGA Single Extender 300m Via Cat5e/6Model: DK300Instructions:This Audio/Video Extender System allows you to extend the distance between the computer system unit and the display monitor by up to 300m (for video resolutions of 1920x*) using one lan cable(Cat5,Website:,Cat5e,Cat6).A road VGA Audio/Video extender,it is twisted pair video VGA extension system that has anti-static, anti-lightning, anti - interference function,design for middle-quality or high-quality Audio/Video signal transfer to long distance. It accomplishes this by means of a local transmitting unit (Transmitter), and a remote receiving unit (Receiver), connected by Cat 5e twisted pair cable.The Extender has the ability of signal converter,splitter,drive,receive,return for VGA.The extender Audio/Video Extender System is ideal for installations where the display needs to reside in public view, but the system equipment can be safely tucked away. The Extender System is also useful for control and security purposes, where you can have the system unit in a secure area while the display is located in an area that is convenient for viewing.Other useful applications for the ?Audio/Video Extender System include:? Finance: The remote display of stock market information.? Education: The remote display of lectures and lessons to lecture halls and classrooms.? Business: The remote display of addresses to overflow rooms; video conferencing; and demos.Features? Uses Cat 5e cable to connect the local and the remote units? Has anti-static, anti-lightning, anti - interference function? Transmission distance up to 300m? High-quality video ? up to 1920*at 300 m? Easy to use and supports all system? Supports VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, UXGA, WUXGA and multisync monitors? Dual Audio/video? Supports one local and two remote display.?? Audio enabled? Two gain control modes for sharpest picture quality? Video gain and compensation adjustable via OSD? IR receiver for quick and easy video quality adjustment? S....

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