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datacard card printer compatib

  • Date Listed:2016-05-14 13:16:49
    Room 1402, Block A, Baohua Building, No.1016 Huaqiang North Road ,Shenzhen,China
    Company:Shenzhen Protex Smart Technologies

    Model*-104PannelYMCKTPrints135IMAGESAvailable forICII.ICIII.ICII+.MAGNAChoosing the right card printer ribbon is important to the quality of your printed cards. But quality doesn't have to break your budget.Protex with a reliable partner,Website:, an OEM ribbon manufacturer, launched PTX premier ribbons, giving users an alternative to use comparable card printing at substantially lower costs and good print quality.Depending on the brand of the printer, we offer PTX Premier ribbons which can be only for half the original price that you are currently buying for.PTX compatible ribbon are available for:

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