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KL-009(I)A Pocket-size PH mete

  • Date Listed:2023-02-18 08:24:40
    NO.60 Xing Ye Middle Road, Fuan 355019 Fujian, China
    Company:Kelilong Electron Co.Ltd

    Automatic Temperature Compensation •Simple one point calibration •Easy to use •Economical It is a fast and accurate meter. What you save in buying drop type test kits will more than pay for this meter! And those kits are not usually very accurate. You will never have to guess which color the ph Strips are closest to! It is fast and simple to use. Just dip it in the pond, aquarium or swimming pool and read the reading on the digital display in just a few seconds. This PH Meter is ideal for Aquariums, Aquacultures, Fish Hatcheries, Food Processing, Laboratory, Paper Industry, Swimming Pool, School & colleges.

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