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aluminum BBQ grill

  • Date Listed:2012-06-09 11:44:32
    No.1 Jinjia avenue,Weitang street, Weitang Industry,Jiaxing City, Zhejiang province
    Company:Jiaxing Usefoil Packaging Co., Ltd

    aluminum BBQ grill Jiaxing Usefoil packaging Co., Ltd is the aluminum foil food packaging supplier. Our company supply the professional aluminum foil product. The rectangular BBQ grill is one of our advanced products. Meanwhile, the containers' sizes can be designed according to the customers' special need. The rectangular BBQ grill is very convenient for barbecue, and it can help the food fresh enough to eat when people uses it to barbecue. Our products are in accordance with International Standard. If needed, we like to offer relative documents. Your inquiry and order is our honor.

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