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Air film transporters details and specification

  • Date Listed:2023-12-25 16:00:00
    cheng yang street
    Company:ShanDong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD

    Air casters advantages and price list Air casters rigging systems instruction and details Air film transporters details and specification Air casters capacity from 10 tons to 48 tons, more or less capacity can be make especially for you. Air bearings power source is compressed air, will save cost and environment friendly. Air film transporters is no shaking when moving, will protect your precise equipment. Air casters rigging systems structure is compact and simple. Air film transporters is flexible and safety when moving, moreover, is durable, can works for more than ten years with no matter. Air bearings casters can move any equipment with any size, any shape, any weight. Air rigging systems also called air skates, air dollies, air film transporters, air bearings, air plates, air powered moving skates and so on. Air bearings casters is one kind of versatile heavy load rigging products. Air casters rigging systems is super low friction, air casters often be moved manually in addition to protecting the delicate direction, and protecting the expensive floors from scratching or damage. Regarding Air casters advantages and price list,Air casters rigging systems instruction and details, Air film transporters details and specifications and other information, please kindly feel free contact with us. Professionally service will get your satisfaction. Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD Email: * Website:

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