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Air bearing casters for sale with 8% off

  • Date Listed:2023-12-25 16:08:33
    XiaZhuang street ChengYang Are
    Company:Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co

    Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD produce all kinds of air casters professionally for more than 20 years, air casters are very powerfully. Air casters will No-mark on the floor. Protect the expensive floor from any damage. And air bearing casters power source is compressed air, no-spark, is very safety applied on high safety needs areas. Air moving skates the load movement is smooth and flexible, air bearing rigging systems can be easily works on required floor surface. Perfectly designed for moving in tight spaces. More information regarding air casters for sale, air bearing casters price, air moving skates quotation, air rigging systems details, please kindly feel free contact us. professionally service hope will get your satisfaction. Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD Skype: faithjiang888 Email: * Website:

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