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pink corundum abrasives

  • Date Listed:2020-06-11 18:33:07
    0801, 8/F, No. 1 Building, No. 238, Tongbai South Road
    Company:Henan Sicheng Co, ltd

    pink corundum pink corundum is electrically fused in high temperature, being added with the right quantity of oxidized chromium. It is pink. Its hardness is close to, but toughness higher than that of WA. The abrasive tools made of it feature excellent durability and high processing cleanness, which are suitable for the precision grinding of the measuring tolls, lathe main shafts, instruments and apparatus parts, threading work pieces and samplers, etc. Pink fused alumina is widely used in grinding, cutting,abrasive production and refractory. Details pls contact us to discuss Pink fused alumin is a bayer alumina, electrically in high tempreture, being added with the right quantity of oxidezed chromium. Pink fused alumina looks pink. It's an abrasive material with moderate friability, recommended for tool and internal grinding , grinding jobs in instrument industry. It's also suitable for various grinding purpose with high surface finish.

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