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Air skates application and instruction

  • Date Listed:2023-12-25 15:46:37
    XiaZhuang street ChengYang Area QingDao City ShangDong Province China.
    Company:Air Casters China

    What is an air skate? Air skates or load modules are pneumatic elements that can be placed under objects, which enable the object to be moved and positioned in any horizontal direction with almost no friction. Air skates machine moving equipment are pneumatically powered systems using compressed air. Air Skates are also referred to as air casters, air sleds, air skids and air cushions by various manufacturers around the world. They are usually one and the same. Air Skates or Air Cushion have many advantages. Firstly,heavy loads can be moved in any horizontal direction, safely and accurately. Secondly,ability to transfer heavy objects between halls where cranes cannot gain access. Finally,no unnecessary wear to the floor due to the low friction. Please contact us if you have any questions. professionally service hope will get your satisfaction.Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD always waiting for you here. Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD Skype: faithjiang888 Email: * Website:

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