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Zhejiang Deju Aluminum Co., Ltd

  • Date Listed:2015-09-11 13:39:18
    No.1, North Gate of Qianbu Bridge, Xieqiao Town, Haining City, Zhejiang, Province, China.
    Company:Zhejiang Deju Aluminum Co., Ltd

    Zhejiang Deju Aluminum Co., Ltd established in 2010,is one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of color coated aluminum coil in China.We have the only advanced production line in China, it’s “six coating, five baked” production line. Relying on our sophisticated production line and dedicated staff members, we produce high quality of color coated aluminum coil,such as PE or PVDF coating, wood and stone pattern, embossed, brushed, anti-scratch, nano coating etcs, besides we are keep on developing new products. Our products are widely used in architectural decoration, light industry, electronics, furniture and other industries. Like: aluminum composite panel, aluminum ceiling, roof, aluminum honeycomb, fire plywood, shutters, shutter doors, electronic chassis, lighting and so on.

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