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wireless smoke detector

  • Date Listed:2016-08-23 10:06:00
    C403 Hongwan Business Centre Gushu Community Xixiang Street Baoan District Shenhen Guangdong China
    Company:ShenZhen Farctrl Technology
    Tell:0755 - 27929568

    Product Parameter: Model : Working voltage 9v Charging current ≤20mA Static Current ≤15uA Transmission Frequency 433MHz Launch distance 50-100m (exposed area) Smoke induction According to No.ul217 standard ,test value 3.2% per foot faint smoke will be detected Alarm volume >85 decibel Working temperature 0℃~+45℃ Working humidity 30%~90% Size 105*38mm*&sr=8-4&keywords=farctrl

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