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FY018-A Lifting Column

  • Date Listed:2012-05-27 10:14:08
    No.2#Yanxing Road,Yanqiao industrial Zone
    Company:wuxi JDR automation equipment co.,ltd

    FY018-A Lifting Column for workbench , office furniture Features: 1) Offers a wide range of lifting and lower workbench, office, furniture, with big stroke, small retracted length, move steady 2) Can realize synchronized movement with control bx 3) Input Voltage : DC24V 4) Load capacity:up to 3000N 5) Speed: 4mm/s 6) Standard stroke: 100-400mm (option) 7) Min. install dimensions: stroke + 350mm ( option ) 8) Limit switches: built-in 9) Type of duty: 10% , 2 minuts-on ,18 minutes-off 10) Operation temperature: -26 - 65°C 11) IP degree: IP43

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