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lubricant foam performance

  • Date Listed:2017-02-05 10:00:07
    3F/8, No. 627 Lugu Road , LongSea Group, Changsha High-tech Zone
    Company:Changsha Friend Analysis Instrument Co., Ltd

    Scope According to GB / T* "performance lubricant foam" designed to measure engine oil, gear oil, hydraulic oil, oil foam properties to assess the extent of the tendency of lubricating oil foam and foam stability Features 1, the use of large-screen LCD, English operation interface; 2, intelligent temperature control mode, with high precision temperature control 3, intuitive display, easy operation, high technology content. 4, with automatic digital electronic timing function Technical Parameters 1, power supply voltage: AC220V ± 10% 50Hz 2, thermostatic bath temperature: 24 ℃ 93.5 ℃ 3, temperature control accuracy: 0.5 ℃ 4, the heater power: 1400W (93.5 ℃ bathtub) 800W (24 ℃ bath) 5, Cooling method: Immersion 6, temperature measurement devices: platinum resistance (PT100) 7, the gas diffusion head diameter: 25.4mm ± 0.02 8, diffuser air permeability: at 2.4Pa (250mmH2O) pressure 3000-6000ml / min 9, the test cylinder specifications: 1000ml 10, timing accuracy: ±

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