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Mechanical machinery jack feat

  • Date Listed:2023-12-25 16:22:45
    xixi jiang
    Company:SD Finer Lifting Tools LTD

    Geared mechanical jacks capacity from 1.5 tons to 25 tons. Geared mechanical jacks easy to operate and easy to maintenance. Rack jack has the self locking function, anti kick back operation lever, can reduces the risk of operation. Steel mechanical jacks has the folding handle, two carrying handles and large base plate. Lifting and lowering speed in controllable. Rack jack can lifting with either fixed toe part or clawed head. And rack jack all construction components standardized. And suitable for lifting loads of any type. Regarding mechanical machinery jacks features, rack jacks price list, steel geared jacks applications, please kindly feel free contact with us. Professionally service hope will get your satisfaction. Shan Dong Finer Lifting Tools co.,LTD Skype: faithjiang888 Email:* Website:

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