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LCD alarm control cabinet

  • Date Listed:2017-02-13 14:19:33
    Room No.1,3rd Floor,Xi'an Railway Engineering Building ,No.205 Jinhua North Road.
    Company:Xi'an HuaFan Instrument Co.,Ltd

    More products, please pay attention to the official website: Basic parameters Size: 480 mm * 250 mm * 130 mm Weight: about 6 kg Working voltage: AC220V 50 hz Output voltage: DC24V Channel number: simulation can provide 16, 32, road, digital signals can provide up to 255 Display: can display 4 or 14 road one screen at a time Signal input: 485 digital signal, analog (4-20 ma current) signal input Communication interface: (optional) 1 road RS232 and RS485 digital bus interface, Standard Modbus RTU protocol or non-standard, can connect the computer monitor Wave rate: 9600 BPS Alarm way : first alarm more than 90 db alarm way; second alarm more than 120 db Control output: 8 bus channel relay, a common relay, line 1 public relay. (optional) 32 channel relay control AC 250 v 5 a, 7 a DC 30 v Sampling accuracy: 12 AD Measuring range: 0-9999 (numerical) can be set up Connection mode: analog signal lines to two or three, four wire digital signal (two signal lines, two power cord) Temperature range: - 10 ℃ to 50 ℃ Humidity: 15% ~ 70% (RH) no condensation

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