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Relay control box

  • Date Listed:2017-02-13 14:19:27
    Room No.1,3rd Floor,Xi'an Railway Engineering Building ,No.205 Jinhua North Road.
    Company:Xi'an HuaFan Instrument Co.,Ltd

    More products, please pay attention to the official website: Basic parameters Power supply: AC220V Switching value: 32 (normally open) Working pattern: continuous output Relay control box wiring instructions (shown in figure 2) Black iron shell, there were 32 passive relay output, through a serial port extension, connected to the LCD controller to control, shown in figure 1 Interface: communication interface connected to the relay control box on the side plate, with a extension cord connected to the main control box R232 serial port communication interface. Relay inside control box as shown. When the corresponding channel relay alarm relay or absorption, concentration returned to normal , the relay is disconnected. Relay for passive output means normally open. Relay output is dry contact. If you want to control devices such as fan, refer to figure 3 relay connection.For high power electric equipment, it is recommended that the cascade of ac contactor, etc.

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