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Cabinet controller

  • Date Listed:2017-02-13 14:19:25
    Room No.1,3rd Floor,Xi'an Railway Engineering Building ,No.205 Jinhua North Road.
    Company:Xi'an HuaFan Instrument Co.,Ltd

    More products, please pay attention to the official website: Cabinet can be broadly divided into the front panel, rear panel, power supply, in the attachment, and a cooling fan, etc. 1.The front panel Front panel include: lamp panel, instrument panel, blind flange. Lamp panel Height :3u Including alarm lamp, lamp panel (power switch), alarm whistle. Lamp panel instructions AC220V means power supply condition, and at the same time making AC220V power switch. Any way instrument alarm signal, transfinite lamp panel , alarm whistle at the same time produce sound and light alarm.There is no alarm, green indicator is on. Instrument panel Each instrument panel can be installed on the nine independent instrument. Instrument Each meter width of 48 mm, vertical installation, digital tube adopts four 0.39 -inch integrated highlight typetogether highlight type, digital tube size: 40 x 14 mm. Set on the instrument panel 2 Φ 3 mm highlight LED, respectively, indicating "first alarm", "secondalarm". Buttons uses film to panel sticker design processing together.Button and circuit board use soft wire connectionbefore. 2、The rear panel Rear panel is mainly installed "wiring board", each corresponding to a wiring board instrument panel. Wiring board using 2 mm thick PCB to realize. User terminal surface using the beauty of the spacing of 7.62 mm gauge terminal SH902A - 7.62, under the 4 pin, placed back-to-back. 4-20 ma signal above a row of connection, a line connecting relay output below. Use of spacing of 3.96 mm single 12 pin on the back of call waiting type terminal (socket), instrument with the plug can be directly in the socket. Instrument of power supply (+ 24 v, GND) and alarm ,three lines on the circuit board directly connected. Nine Alarm signal after "or" logic as a signal. Power sockets and alarm signals respectively use two core socket placed on one end of the wiring board. 3、Power supply Power supply with swit....

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