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Methenolone acetate

  • Date Listed:2016-05-18 11:06:48
    No.496,Zhongshan Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
    Company:Yuancheng Group.Hubei

    Methenolone acetate Product name: Methenolone acetate Synonyms: nibal;premobolan;primobolan;primobolone;primonabol CAS Registry Number: 434-05-9 M.F.: C22H32O3 M.W.: 344.49 Assays: 98% Packaging: foil bag Appearance: White or white crystalline powder Price to USA: Methenolone acetate (CAS: 434-05-9): 1kg, $*; 500g, $8131; 100g, $1830; 50g, $1321;

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